Kerala Police at Sabarimala

Kerala Police at Sabarimala is a website hosted by Kerala Police to help Sabarimala temple pilgrims. It has links like how to reach sabarimala, photos, maps of sabarimala, rules of rituals, prasadam, accomodation, hospital services, advice to pilgrims, lost and found, alerts, emergency phone numbers at police control rooms in pampa, sannidhanam, highway and railway alert and kerala police sms center number.

Kerala Police Sabarimala website available in 5 languages - English, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil. It also has pooja details like Makaravilakku, Kodiyeyyu ulsavam, meda vishu, monthly pooja etc

Police Control Room, Pampa : 04735 203386
Police Control Room, Sannidhanam : 04735 202016

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