Oriental School of Hotel Management, Wayanad

Oriental group of Hotel Management Institutions spread over 28 acres of land in three different campuses. It is owned and managed by the Malabar Hotel Management & Catering Promotion Trust (MHMCPT) - A charitable trust formed with an intention of promoting the Hospitality and Tourism industry.

The Principal,
Oriental School of Hotel Management
Valley View, Lakkidi P.O.
Wayanad - 673 576,
Kerala, India.

Phone : 04936- 255716 to 20, 255355.
Fax : 04936- 255720
Email : principal@orientalschool.com

Corporate Office,
Oriental Group of Hotel Management Institutions,
2888 B/5, 2nd Floor, Emil & Eric Towers,
Arayadathupalam Mini Bypass Road,
Kerala, India.

Phone : 0495 – 2725984, 85, 86
Fax : 0495 – 2721028
Email :koz_oshm@sancharnet.in

Web : http://orientalschool.com/