Economic Times

The Economic Times is one of the leading financial newspapers in India, published by the Times Group. It is widely recognized as a trusted source of business and financial news and analysis in India, with a readership of over 800,000.

The newspaper covers a wide range of topics related to business and finance, including stocks, mutual funds, commodities, currencies, and personal finance. It provides readers with in-depth analysis, expert opinions, and market insights on various aspects of the economy.

In addition to its print edition, The Economic Times has a comprehensive digital platform that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The newspaper's website,, offers readers the latest business and financial news, as well as exclusive features and expert opinions.

The Economic Times is widely respected for its accurate and unbiased reporting of financial news and events in India. The newspaper has won several awards for its journalism, including the Best Business Newspaper Award at the annual International News & Media Summit in New York.

Overall, The Economic Times is an essential source of information for anyone interested in business and finance in India. With its comprehensive coverage and expert insights, the newspaper is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, investors, and finance professionals.

Economic Times is India's Leading Business Newspaper offering Business News, Financial news, Stock/Share Market News, Economy News, Loans, Banking News, Live Stock Quotes and News, Investment analysis on Mutual Funds, Gold, Forex and Real Estate.

The Economic Times: Business News, Personal Finance, Financial News, India Stock Market Investing, Economy News, SENSEX, NIFTY, NSE, BSE Live, IPO News.

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