Lower your blood sugar level  
13 Feb 09, 06:19pm

Blood sugar can be defined as an elevated level of the sugar glucose in blood otherwise phrased as 'the spillage of glucose into the urine (glucosuria) converting the urine sugary.

The following tips can help you to maintain a normal sugar level and cut down on the threat of developing diabetes.

Find out why your blood sugar levels are high. This can help you to know what should be done to lower them. Stress is one situation that can cause higher levels. If your blood sugar level is high due to stress you need to make changes in your lifestyle.

The best way to lower your blood sugar is by eating the right foods.

The types of foods you eat play a big part in the level of your blood sugar. Some foods help to lower the levels. Others enter the bloodstream faster, thus raising sugar levels.

The types that are digested slower help to maintain good sugar levels such as fruits - apples, oranges, pears vegetables such as - peas, zucchini - and grains such as - oatmeal, barley, granola.

Eating four to five small meals a day rather than three large meals will help to lower your blood sugar.

Avoid soft drinks because they are high in sugar and carbohydrates.

Foods such as potatoes, pasta, and foods that are high in carbohydrates should be avoided. The body turns carbohydrates to sugar which will add more sugar to your diet.

You can eat foods that are low in carbohydrates such as chicken, seafood, and turkey. Salad ingredients are also another way of getting the vitamins you need while still eating a low carbohydrate diet.

Foods to eat

Nuts – Although nuts tend to be high in fat, it is good kind of fats, which can actually lower insulin resistance. It helps your cells to be more sensitive to the insulin your body produces which will more effectively lower your blood sugar.

Sweet Potatoes, Cinnamon, Onions, Avocado, Garlic, Flaxseed, Barley, Cherries, Lemons are equally beneficial.
The alkalizing effects of many of these foods are unfavorable to the development of cancers.
The intake of this food depends on whether you have food sensitivities or allergies. If so, do not eat them.

There are a lot of artificial sweeteners that you can use in sugar free cooking recipes.

If you are staying away from white sugar then you can switch to a healthier brown sugar. If your aim is to completely avoid sugar then you can go for other healthy option such as

Honey, which is a very good sugar substitute.

Consult your doctor before choosing any of these foods.

Exercise is another way you can control blood sugar levels. If you exercise in the morning before eating this can lower your glucose just about as well as medication.